Multimedia animations

In this section you will find several animations designed and produced by the International Polar Foundation on different topics linked to the polar regions, the way our planet's climate functions, climate change, biodiversity and energy.

Most of these animations are available as CD-ROMS in various languages. Please contact us for more information.

  • Biomimicry, draw on inspiration from the living to save energy

    Biomimicry, draw on inspiration from the living to save energy


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM and introduces the biomimicry concept. It aims to explain how nature is a potential source for saving energy trough 3 applications: hydroaeolian, voltaïc solar panels, and a termitarium.

  • Who uses which energy ?

    Who uses which energy ?


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-Rom. It treats of the different energy sources that are used in Wallonia and the different sectors that use these energy sources. It is a sort of inventory that aims to answer…

  • Where does the energy we consume come from ?

    Where does the energy we consume come from ?


    This flash animation is part of the Energy CD-ROM. It highlights the strong dependency of Wallonia (Belgium) on energy and elaborates by presenting the different countries that provide Wallonia with energy.

  • Biofuels, a “green” alternative to oil?

    Biofuels, a “green” alternative to oil?


    This flash animation is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. It addresses the issues revolving around biofuels in a critical way. Although biofuels represent an alternative to petroleum, this flash animation specifies that they are, for the time being, not…

  • How much does energy cost?

    How much does energy cost?


    How much does energy cost? is part of the CD-Rom on Energy. It introduces the various factors that influence the price of energy, following the law of supply and demand. Other units which can be used to describe energy consumption…

  • Resources and reserves : how much energy is left underground ?

    Resources and reserves : how much energy is left underground ?


    This flash animation is part of the CD-ROM on Energy; it offers an introduction to the notions of resources and reserves. It also gives an account on fossil and nuclear energy reserves and explains what is at stake with the…

  • Biodiversity - test your knowledge

    Biodiversity - test your knowledge


    Test your knowledge on biodiversity and climate change with this quiz that goes over the 14 flash animations.

  • Biodiversity: Things we can do on a Daily Basis

    Biodiversity: Things we can do on a Daily Basis


    The current climate crisis is threatening biodiversity, but it is also confronting us with an opportunity to take a fresh look at our current way of living. How? By reducing our footprint on the environment. To enable us to do…

  • Preserving biodiversity: adjustment strategies

    Preserving biodiversity: adjustment strategies


    Climate change has become such a threat for many species that human intervention has become necessary to prevent them from becoming extinct. With this in mind, adjustment strategies are currently being established in order to assist some species in dealing…

  • Biodiversity in the Arctic

    Biodiversity in the Arctic


    Because they are the principle areas on Earth to be affected by climate change, Polar Regions, especially the North Pole where the effects are most noticeable, are particularly important to study. Temperature rise has caused the Arctic pack ice to…

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All videos, quizzes, animations and photos are copyrighted to the IPF or to their authors. Please contact us before using them.

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COP22 – time to act on climate change!

COP22 – time to act on climate change!

The International Polar Foundation (IPF) participated in the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties…

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